Mentor Types

Area(s) of Interest

Livestock Producer, Commodity Livestock Producer, Land Owner, Crop/Livestock Producer

Profile Details

Your Location

Spink County, South Dakota

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About Me

Brian Johnson and his wife Jamie live near Frankfort, South Dakota where they manage a diversified operation growing wheat, oats, barley, rye, corn, soybeans, cover crops, and KIDS! They have four children, Ella, Lila, Leo, and Evelyn. Their cow/calf operation utilizes rotational grazing through grass paddocks during summer months, and utilizes cover crops and corn residue for grazing in winter months. Brian has a B.S. in Ag-Business from SDSU, and is heavily involved in the conservation community as a Spink County Commissioner, assists with Spink County 4H, NRCS Voices for Soil Health, as well as the NACD Soil Health Network.